1:1 Mentorship


Most of us are solopreneurs and we care deeply about our couples and our craft. So, by the time we come up for air to think about our own businesses - we’re burnt out, exhausted, and can’t see through the weeds.

This is especially true in the wedding industry.

While you’re serving your clients, your business growth is halted.

Here’s the real hot take, wedding pros...

Apply for the 1:1 Mentorship →

Once we have a full consultation calendar, I'll help you close. I'll show you how to get people to show up to appointments (no more ghosting), what to say at the appointment to close the sale, and how to follow up after.

Then, we'll work on your messaging so those money making activities convert into solid leads and  consultations on the calendar.

From there, we create a growth plan. I help you get "money making activities" on the calendar that align with your goals (I'll help you set those). 

I take a look at your current profit margins and increase them. To do this, we want to increase revenue and decrease costs - and I know exactly how to do both.

How this helps you make more money...





heck yes, I need this! →

I’ve taken my experience, knowledge, and insight growing a multi 6 figure wedding business, and put together a mentorship experience designed for wedding professionals who are looking for strategic training and high touch support to shortcut the growth curve and avoid the pitfalls of “busy season quicksand.” 

1:1 Mentorship

I offer audits on a weekly basis. Meaning, you can submit something for me to review and I will review and give feedback once a week.


You can message me anytime 24/7/365, and my response time is approximately 24 hours or less during business hours (8am - 4pm EST).


We start our relationship with a zoom meeting to get to know each other and establish goals for our time together.



Shannon, Shannon Turner Cakes

I can't adequately express my gratitude for Lindsay. I was very much in need of guidance in more ways than I even knew myself prior to working with her. Lindsay's warm and kind personality, incredible passion for nurturing and supporting entrepreneurs like myself, and her hard-won wisdom have provided a springboard for accelerating the growth of my business."

It may have taken me nothing short of a decade and countless mistakes to learn what I have from her in just a few short months."

Heidi, Sincerely Heidi Event Stationery 

I was confident in my ability to design and create a quality and desirable product, but I needed a lead generator. I needed a coach who could teach me how to get in front of my ideal clients, nurture them, and close them. ​I can't say enough about the wealth of knowledge Lindsay offers; her insight has helped me design a prosperous business model.

​Following Lindsay's guidance I scheduled 37 consultations, and generated $30,000 in revenue.

McCory, Wanderlight Wedding Photography

I chose to hire Lindsay as a mentor because of her great personality and creative ideas. I look forward to our conversations and the insight that she brings. It is great having someone looking at your business from the outside that truly cares about your future success. I would highly recommend using her as a mentor for any business that wants to take the next steps in their growth!

It is great having someone looking at your business from the outside that truly cares about your future success.

Caleb, Fitzgerald Hospitality Group

I have always been a person who was successful at bridal shows, but changes and expansion in my company left me concerned that I wasn't maximizing my exposure like I once had. Lindsay's guidance and mentorship helped me find the places we could improve, while helping cement the things we were doing correctly as part of our process. I have 100% confidence that our experience with Lindsay will pay off for years to come.

After five minutes speaking with her, I knew Lindsay was a necessary investment.

heck yes! count me in! →


Joining requires a commitment of at least 6 months, as any kind of real progress and momentum takes time to achieve. I hope though, that once inside, you see the value of the coaching and choose to stay!

And let me tell you… it’s magic when you see that kind of momentum in action. 

Many people have already inquired about 1:1 mentorship opportunities, so there will be a waitlist and an application process to be accepted. I’m actively looking for entrepreneurs in the wedding industry who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do what it takes to see results. We do this together, I’ll guide and support you every step of the way, but you gotta be the one to do the work.

the details:

$697/month for 6 months
or $497/month for 12 months

Hey there! I'm Lindsay and I help wedding pros fill their calendars in one sitting at wedding shows. If you want to generate more leads and book more weddings, you're in the right place!